
Indoor Fun

When the weather turns chilly and going outside becomes a bit more of a challenge, it can be difficult to keep your little ones entertained and engaged. But the good news is there are plenty of exciting and educational activities you can enjoy with your babies and toddlers indoors during our winter season.

Here are our top 10:

Sensory Bins:

Create a sensory wonderland by filling a plastic container with various materials like coloured rice, water beads, or dried pasta. Let your little one explore the textures, and scoop and pour to their heart’s content. Add in some cups, funnels, and small toys for added fun. Remember if doing this activity with younger ones, to always keep an eye on what may be put into their mouth. For younger babies, opt for taste safe sensory fun, such as yoghurt coloured with food colouring, chia seeds and water or ground up cereal.

Dance Party:

Clear a space in your living room, turn on some lively music, and have a dance party with your toddler. Encourage them to move, sway, and groove to the rhythm. This activity not only promotes physical development but also helps to improve coordination and balance. And if you need a few minutes to have that cup of coffee, there are plenty of great dance brain-breaks for toddlers on YouTube.

Indoor Obstacle Course:

Design a mini obstacle course using soft pillows, cushions, and blankets. Create tunnels to crawl through, bridges to cross, and textures to navigate. This activity will stimulate your little one’s motor skills and provide endless entertainment and imaginative play.

Story Time:

Snuggle up with your little one and spend quality time reading books together. Choose colourful picture books or interactive touch-and-feel books that engage their senses. Encourage them to turn the pages and let their imagination soar.

Arts and Crafts:

Get creative with your child by engaging in arts and crafts projects. Set up a simple painting station with washable paints and large sheets of paper. Let them explore colours, patterns, and different brush strokes. Alternatively, try making handprint or footprint art using non-toxic, child-friendly paint. Add in some chalk to draw in the driveway or simply paint the walls with water.

Indoor Picnic:

Set up a cozy indoor picnic area with blankets and cushions. Prepare a selection of bite-sized snacks and finger foods for your little one to enjoy. This activity can be an excellent opportunity for sensory exploration and some special one on one bonding time.

DIY Sensory Bottles:

Create mesmerising sensory bottles using water, food colouring, glitter, and small objects like beads or sequins. Seal the bottles tightly with glue and let your baby or toddler shake, roll, and observe the captivating movements and colours inside.

Puzzles and Building Blocks:

Introduce puzzles and building blocks appropriate for your child’s age. These activities promote cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, and hand-eye coordination. Start with simple puzzles and gradually increase the difficulty level as your child progresses.

Kitchen Adventures:

Involve your little one in simple kitchen tasks like mixing, pouring, or measuring ingredients. Bake cookies or make homemade playdough together. These activities promote sensory exploration and fine motor skills development while also providing an opportunity for bonding.

Puppet Show:

Create a puppet theatre using a blanket or a large cardboard box. Make puppets from old socks or paper bags and put on a show for or even with your child. Encourage their imagination by bringing the characters to life and telling captivating stories.

When the winter weather keeps you indoors, it doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice fun and learning experiences for your baby or toddler. Gather your supplies, create a cozy indoor space, and embark on exciting adventures with your little one, making memories that will last a lifetime.