
Baby’s First Festive Season

As we gear up for twinkling lights, cosy family gatherings, and buying ALL the presents, this festive season brings extra joy as it is your first Christmas with your little one. But while you are feeling the obvious excitement, there are also butterflies in your tummy. Navigating the holiday season with a new baby and the routine and sleeplessness that comes with them may feel overwhelming. So let’s unpack how to make it through it all while still enjoying the moments. 

As a new little family, the festive season allows the perfect time for you to start some of your own family traditions. While you may be excited at the thought of all the things you want to do, best bet is to start simple and build on from there as your baby grows up. Maybe it’s a special holiday story before bedtime, a designated ornament for your little one to commemorate each year, or a family photoshoot for your Christmas card. These tiny traditions can grow into more and will become special memories as your family grows.

Choosing the perfect gift for a baby who may not even remember this festive season can be a real head-scratcher. Opt for practicality and sentimentality, and consider gifts that will stand the test of time and become treasured keepsakes of their first Christmas. Special ‘My First Christmas’ outfits for the day, a special ornament to pack away for when they have their own tree one day or just simply let the Grandparents do what they do best, spoil your little one while you sit back and take it all in. 

It’s important to remember that the holiday season can be a sensory overload for your little one. Bright lights, loud family gatherings, and unfamiliar faces might be a bit much for a new baby. Create a cosy retreat during festivities – a quiet room with familiar toys and a soft blanket can be a game-changer. Monitor their cues, and when it’s all too much, don’t hesitate to retreat for some one-on-one calming time.

Ah, routines – the unsung heroes of parenthood. The holiday season doesn’t have to throw everything into chaos. Try to stick to your baby’s routine as much as possible. You can be flexible but aim for some semblance of normalcy to keep both you and your baby on an even keel. Naptime does not have to wait for the roast to be served, because ultimately a well-rested baby is a happier baby, and a happier baby makes for far happier moms and dads. 

If your little one is diving into the world of solids, the holiday feast may raise a few eyebrows – literally. Consider introducing baby-friendly versions of your festive favourites before the big day. Mashed sweet potatoes, mashed chicken or turkey, soft roasted veggies can make for delightful baby-friendly meals. Just be mindful of salt and seasoning levels, and possibly remove baby’s portion before the final spices are added. In exposing them to these flavours before Christmas lunch, your little one may enjoy it and feel more familiar amongst all the craziness going on around them. 

Another new role in your parenting journey involves learning (and accepting) how to say a fair amount of ‘no,’ and the holidays are no exception. It’s okay to decline some invitations or skip the late-night shopping expeditions. You can say no to people wanting to touch your new baby or no to other people’s advice. Prioritise you and your baby’s well-being to help your sanity. 

Above all, embrace the chaos, cherish the small moments, and cut yourself some slack. The first festive season with your baby is a milestone worth celebrating. Here’s to creating traditions, making memories, and surviving the season with a smile. You’re doing amazing, and your baby is one lucky little elf. 

Merry Christmas all!