
New Year

New Year’s Resolutions, What Are Those?!

Navigating a new year with little ones brings its own set of challenges and joys. As new parents, the idea of New Year’s resolutions might seem like a distant memory from a time when sleep wasn’t a luxury, the word routine wasn’t synonymous with parenting, and your life didn’t revolve around nappy changes, nap schedules, and the perpetual search for missing dummies.

In the world of baby wipes, bottles, and sleepless nights, setting resolutions might feel like a lofty endeavour. Rather than aspiring to grandiose feats, the focus shifts towards setting pragmatic goals that align with the unique demands of caring for tiny humans. Let’s keep it real and focus on setting achievable goals that align with the whirlwind that has become your daily life.

First up, let’s talk about sleep. The elusive eight hours of uninterrupted sleep? Forget about it. Instead, aim for more shuteye in realistic increments. Sneak in a nap when the little one dozes off or tag-team with your partner to catch a bit more rest on the weekends. Practical pursuits of rest can do wonders for both self-love and your relationship with your partner and child. 

Now, onto routines. While it may seem alluring to set a strict routine to start off the year, try to forget about intricate schedules and aim for a more flexible approach. The goal isn’t a minute-by-minute plan but finding a rhythm that accommodates the unpredictability of parenting tiny humans. Let your resolution here be embracing the chaos and trying not to stress too much about a rigid schedule. 

Mealtime battles are a universal struggle. Rather than vowing to whip up gourmet meals daily – an impractical feat for most – aim for variety. Introduce new flavours, textures and experiences. Make mealtime an exploration rather than a battlefield. This enhances your chance for a win here as there is less pressure than the daily Pinterest Parent mealtime. Aim to try something different with your family once a week, be it a new recipe or ingredient or even a restaurant. Removing the pressure also allows wiggle room for you to surrender to those evenings where everyone eats scrambled eggs or Uber Eats because you are just too tired to cook. Celebrate victories, no matter how small, both yours and your little ones. 

Then there is the perpetual toy explosion and endless piles of laundry. Forget about achieving a perfectly organised home 100% of the time. Aim for a clutter-free zone where little ones can explore, learn, and create with little supervision. Remind yourself that less is more and get rid of some of the clutter (enter The Baby Cart Marketplace 😉). Instead of aiming for an immaculate home straight out of a design magazine, recognise the phase of life you are in and aim for more controlled chaos.

As we start new year, let’s acknowledge that parenting patience is a virtue. Instead of resolving to always maintain an unshakeable calm (who can do this, really?), let’s aim for moments of patience amidst the toddler tantrums and baby meltdowns, moments of calm and gratitude during late night feeds, remind yourself to breathe and just take in the moment. It’s about navigating the storms rather than avoiding them altogether.

The concept of self-care takes on a new shape in the realm of parenting. Instead of setting impressive self-care goals that involve spa days and leisurely hours of reading, let’s aim for bite-sized moments. Whether it’s stealing a few minutes for a hot cup of coffee or relishing a quiet moment in the shower, these micro self-care breaks can make a significant difference when stacked together.

With screens becoming an inevitable part of modern parenting, setting realistic boundaries is crucial. Instead of vowing to eliminate screen time entirely, try to set a goal to navigate screen time judiciously. It’s about finding a balance that allows for educational content while preserving the essence of real-world interactions. And of course, don’t forget your sanity, because let’s be honest, 30 minutes of Miss Rachel so you can cook dinner is not really the end of the world!

In the era of social media, the pressure to showcase a picture-perfect family life can be overwhelming. Let’s ditch the pursuit of parenting perfection and focus on connection. The goal here is to build a strong bond with our little ones, even if it involves messy crafts, spontaneous dance parties, and impromptu bedtime stories. Those are the moments that will remain your core memories!

Ultimately, New Year’s resolutions should be about finding joy in the journey, navigating the chaos, and celebrating the small wins. Here’s to a year filled with sleepy snuggles, messy adventures, and the unique adventure of being a parent.

Posted in Parenting