
Parenting Styles: How to Choose What Works Best For Your Family

Becoming a parent launches you on a thrilling, challenging journey full of joys, frustrations, milestones, and constant questions. Amidst the explosion of parenting theories and advice out there, one of the biggest dilemmas is: how do I parent in a way that’s right for me and my child?

There’s no universally ideal style. Every family must find their own path based on their values, personalities, and children’s needs. Examining different parenting philosophies can help reveal the approach best suited to your family. Here’s an overview of popular parenting styles to guide you.

Attachment Parenting: Forging Strong Bonds

Attachment parenting emphasises forming secure emotional connections between parents and children. This style prioritises responsiveness, closeness, and attending to a child’s needs to foster trust and attachment.

Core Principles

  • Responding promptly to cries and distress signals
  • Keeping baby close through “wearing” in carriers or slings
  • Co-sleeping to allow nighttime bonding and feeding
  • Prolonged breastfeeding based on child’s needs
  • Minimal separation to maintain attachment security


  • Promotes secure parent-child attachment
  • Supports child’s emotional regulation skills
  • Responsive caregiving reduces baby’s stress
  • Physical closeness aids child development
  • Deepens intuition about child’s needs


  • Very time and energy intensive for parents
  • Co-sleeping precautions are essential
  • Gradual parent-led weaning is recommended
  • Can be hard to maintain attachments as child grows
  • Requires sacrifice of personal space/time

Attachment parenting nurtures a profound connection through meeting babies’ needs for proximity and responsiveness. For parents committed to this intensive approach, the rewards of attachment are lifelong.

Gentle Parenting: Compassionate Guidance

Gentle parenting aims to shape children’s behaviour through empathy, mutually respectful communication, and non-punitive discipline. Kids are guided with compassion to develop inner self-regulation skills.

Core Principles

  • Treating children with dignity, empathy, and respect
  • Avoiding corporal punishment and shaming
  • Setting limits through open communication
  • Teaching rather than punishing misbehaviour
  • Focusing discipline on connection, not coercion


  • Develops trusting parent-child relationships
  • Models peaceful conflict resolution
  • Teaches kids emotional intelligence
  • Redirects behaviour via understanding
  • Fosters high self-esteem and morals


  • Requires highly patient, self-composed parents
  • Some children may test gentle limits extensively
  • Misbehaviours may need longer term corrections
  • Older kids may reject highly gentle tactics
  • Discouragement when progress seems slow

For parents able to exemplify steady gentleness, this philosophy creates a nurturing family environment where children truly learn life skills.

Scheduled Routining: Order and Predictability

Some parents thrive on organised routines. This structured style establishes consistent daily schedules and rituals for kids to follow. The predictability provides a sense of safety and order.

Core Principles

  • Set times for waking, meals, naps, bedtime
  • Structured locations for playtime, learning, quiet time
  • Regular daily routines and family rituals
  • Orderly, distraction-free environments
  • Parent-directed scheduling and activities


  • Consistent schedule for healthy development
  • Kids learn to follow rules and routines
  • Reduces parents’ daily decision stress
  • Promotes family traditions and identity
  • Kids gain sense of control from structure


  • Demands regimented organisation skills
  • Inflexibility makes disruptions more stressful
  • Limits child-led play and spontaneity
  • Highly active kids may resist structure
  • Excessive control risks harming self-direction

Families craving order often find comfort sticking to a well-planned routine. But balance is key to allow some flexibility.

Blending Parenting Styles

Most parents don’t conform rigidly to a single philosophy. You can blend elements from various styles to create your own unique approach.

Tips for Blending Styles

  • Evaluate your family’s needs and values
  • Consider your child’s temperament and personality
  • Determine which techniques align with your instincts
  • Be flexible – adjust the blend as your child develops
  • Discuss choices with your co-parent for unified approach

Example Blend

  • Attachment parenting’s responsiveness
  • Gentle parenting’s communication focus
  • Scheduled routine’s predictability and life skills lessons
  • Child-led playtime within structured environment
  • Limit setting through empathy and understanding

By thoughtfully integrating strategies from multiple methods, you can capitalise on each style’s strengths while minimising limitations.

Trusting Yourself as a Parent

There are no definitive “right” answers in parenting. As long as you provide your child with love, nurturing care, consistent limits, and opportunities to grow, you are on the right track.

Ways to Build Parenting Confidence

  • Reflect on your own upbringing to utilise positive influences
  • Observe what resonates with your parental instincts
  • Educate yourself, then filter advice through your own lens
  • Anchor decisions in your family’s values and needs
  • View mistakes as part of the learning journey

Signs You’re Succeeding as a Parent

  • Your child feels loved, respected, and secure
  • You maintain open communication and trust
  • Your child is developing autonomy and life skills
  • Your family feels contentment in your routine
  • You and your co-parent present a united front

Trust yourself. Be adaptable. Seek knowledge, but follow your heart. There is no perfect formula, but you possess everything you need to raise a wonderful child.


While often demanding, parenting is incredibly rewarding when you implement an approach aligned with your family’s needs. Take time to explore philosophies, blend techniques, and embrace trial and error. The style you ultimately create will be uniquely tailored to help your child flourish.

Though doubts will creep in, remember babies don’t need perfection – they need attentive, present, loving parents. By making them feel secure, teaching life skills, and nurturing their growth, you are guiding your child down the path to becoming their best self. That is the mark of successful parenting.

Posted in Parenting