
Developmental Milestones: A Month-by-Month Guide 

The first year of your baby’s life is a whirlwind of exciting changes. Watching them grow, learn, and explore the world around them is a truly incredible experience. Being on the lookout for typical developmental milestones you can expect to see in your baby, month by month, is good to have on hand. Remember though, that every baby develops at their own pace. This is meant as a helpful tool, not a rigid schedule (and if you have any concerns about your baby’s development, always consult with your paediatrician).

1 Month:


Your newborn will mostly spend their time being cute, sleeping and crying. They may start to lift their head for brief moments when lying on their tummy and will have reflexive movements like sucking and grasping.


Your baby’s vision is still blurry, but they can focus best on objects about the distance between your face and theirs during feeding. They can distinguish between light and dark and may be drawn to high-contrast patterns. Their sense of smell is well-developed, and they will find your familiar scent comforting. They can also hear sounds and may be startled by loud noises.

Social Interaction: 

Your little one may start to coo and gurgle in response to your voice. They will make eye contact and may smile at familiar faces, especially yours!

2 Months:


Your baby will have more control over their head and neck, holding it up for longer periods during tummy time. They will start to push down with their legs when placed on a firm surface, a precursor to crawling. Their reflexes become more coordinated, and you may notice them reaching out and swiping at objects with their hands.


Your baby’s vision is improving, and they can now track moving objects with their eyes. They will start to recognise familiar faces and show excitement when they see you. Their sense of taste is well-developed, and they can differentiate between sweet and sour flavours.

Social Interaction: 

Your baby will coo and babble more frequently, and they may laugh out loud in response to playful interactions. They will enjoy social interaction and become fussier when left alone.

3 Months:


Your baby can now hold their head up steadily and may even start to prop themselves up on their forearms during tummy time. They may roll from tummy to back (and maybe even back to tummy!). Their grasp becomes stronger, and they will be able to hold onto objects for a short time.


Your baby’s vision continues to improve, and they can now see objects at various distances. They will be fascinated by bright colours and complex patterns. Their sense of hearing is fully developed, and they will be able to distinguish between different sounds and voices.

Social Interaction: 

Your baby will be more vocal and expressive, using various sounds and coos to communicate their needs and wants. They will enjoy mimicking sounds they hear and will giggle at playful interactions. They will show excitement when they see familiar faces and may experience separation anxiety when their caregiver leaves.

4-6 Months:


Your baby’s movements become more purposeful. They can roll over in both directions and may start to rock back and forth on their hands and knees. They will reach for and grasp objects with both hands and explore them by mouthing and manipulating them.


Your baby’s vision is almost as sharp as an adult’s. They can see objects in detail and enjoy exploring their surroundings visually. They will begin to understand object permanence (knowing objects still exist even if they can’t see them). Their sense of touch is well-developed, and they will enjoy exploring different textures through touch.

Social Interaction: 

Your baby will be babbling with different sounds and may start to say their first syllables like “ba” or “da.” They will understand simple commands like “no” and will respond to their name. They will enjoy playing peek-a-boo and other simple games and will show excitement when they see familiar faces.

7-9 Months:


This is the age of newfound mobility! Your baby may be crawling like a pro, pulling themselves up to furniture, and even attempting those first wobbly steps while holding onto support. They will refine their hand-eye coordination, picking up small objects with a pincer grasp (thumb and forefinger) and transferring objects from one hand to another.


Your baby’s world is becoming a symphony of sights and sounds. They will be fascinated by exploring different sounds and textures, shaking and banging objects together. Their vision allows them to recognise familiar objects and faces from a distance.

Social Interaction: 

Get ready for some serious babbling! Your baby will be experimenting with different sounds and may even start to string together syllables, forming their first “words.” They will understand simple commands like “come here” and will show excitement or frustration through their facial expressions and gestures. They may experience separation anxiety when their caregiver leaves.

10-12 Months:


Your little one is on the move! They may be taking their first independent steps (but this could take until 18 months so do not panic), albeit wobbly at first. They will be able to stand without support for brief periods and may even start to climb furniture. Their hand-eye coordination is becoming more refined, allowing them to manipulate objects with greater ease and explore cause-and-effect relationships (e.g: pushing a button to make a toy light up).


Your baby is a keen observer now. They will enjoy imitating adult actions and exploring the world around them with curiosity. Their understanding of object permanence is developing, so they may search for hidden objects.

Social Interaction: 

Prepare to hear the exciting first ‘Mama’ or ‘Dada’! Your baby’s first spoken words might arrive during this period. They will understand simple questions and instructions and will enjoy playing pretend games. They may become shy around unfamiliar people or in new situations.

This first year is filled with magic, discovery, and being witness to the beautiful changes that sometimes seem to happen overnight. Soak it all in, capture those precious moments, and remember, there’s no greater privilege than watching your little baby grow up!