
Winter Wobbles? Bounce Back with Baby-Friendly Workouts 

Feeling a little cooped up with the winter chill keeping you indoors? Don’t let the season put a damper on your fitness goals! Here’s the good news: staying active is not only possible with a little one, but it can also be a fantastic way to bond. This guide is packed with fun and effective home workouts you can do with your baby, incorporating simple exercises, everyday activities, and the magic of babywearing.

Building Biceps & Bonding: Exercises You Can Do with Your Baby

Let’s turn playtime into exercise time! Here are some exercises that work your entire body while keeping your little one entertained:

The Superman: 

Lie on your stomach with your baby securely on your back. Extend your arms and legs off the ground, mimicking Superman taking flight. Hold for a few seconds, then slowly lower back down. This works your core, back, and arms.

The Happy Squats: 

While holding your baby close to your chest, perform squats. Sing a silly song or tell a story as you go down, then erupt in giggles (or pretend surprise) as you stand back up. Squats work your legs and core, while engaging your baby with interactive play. Aim for 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

The Rocking Chair:

This exercise is perfect for strengthening your core and legs while soothing your baby. Find a sturdy chair with a back. Sit down and hold your baby securely on your chest. Lean back slightly, engaging your core, and rock gently back and forth. Sing a lullaby or hum a calming tune while you rock. To increase the intensity, hold small weights (like tin cans) in each hand while you rock. Aim for 2-3 sets of 10-12 rocks.

Baby Leg Presses:

This exercise targets your quads and glutes while giving your baby a fun ride. Sit on the floor with your legs extended straight in front of you. Securely hold your baby on your lap, facing you. Gently lower your legs down towards the floor, keeping your core engaged and back straight. Don’t go so low that your knees touch the ground. Push back up to the starting position, using your leg muscles. Repeat for 10-12 repetitions.

(Modification: If this feels too challenging, start with your knees bent slightly. Gradually straighten your legs as you get stronger).

The Peek-A-Boo Plank:

This playful twist on a classic exercise strengthens your core and shoulders while engaging your baby. Get down on all fours with your hands shoulder-width apart and knees hip-width apart. Engage your core and keep your back straight. Lower your forearms to the ground, entering a plank position. Peek up at your baby and say “Peek-A-Boo!” then return to the full plank position. Repeat for 10-12 repetitions.

(Note: Ensure your baby is on a safe, soft surface like a play mat during this exercise).

Safety First: 

Remember, you and your baby are a team! Choose exercises that feel comfortable for both of you. Listen to your body and avoid any movements that cause pain or discomfort. Take breaks when needed, and never force your baby to participate in anything they don’t seem to enjoy.

Staying Active Throughout the Day:

Incorporate movement into your daily routine with your baby for a well-rounded approach to fitness:

Marching and Doodling: 

March and squat around the house with your baby in your arms. You can even get creative by holding your baby while drawing on the floor with washable crayons – a fun way to bond and work those core muscles!

Stair Steppers: 

Ditch the lift and take the stairs instead, carrying your baby in a secure carrier if they’re comfortable. This is a simple way to sneak in extra steps and strengthen your legs.

Dancing Duos: 

Turn on some music and sway back and forth with your baby in your arms. Let loose and have fun while getting your body moving!

Babywearing Workouts: Double the Fun, Double the Fitness

Babywearing allows you to keep your little one close while staying active. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Nature Walks: 

Strap your baby securely in a carrier and head outdoors for a brisk walk around the block. The fresh air and scenery will boost your mood, while the rhythmic walking works your legs and core. 

Carrier Cardio: 

If you have a sturdy carrier, try some light cardio exercises like jumping jacks or lunges while your baby is comfortably positioned. Start slow, listen to your body, and gradually increase the intensity as you get stronger.

Stair Climbs:  

If you’re comfortable and using a safe carrier, climb the stairs with your baby securely strapped to you. This is a great way to work your legs and core. However, prioritise safety first! Only attempt stair climbs if you feel confident and use the handrail for added stability.


When using a baby carrier for exercise, ensure it’s appropriate for your baby’s age and weight, and always prioritise their comfort and safety.

Bonus Tip: 

Make it a family affair! Encourage older siblings to join in on the fun with age-appropriate exercises alongside you and the baby.

By incorporating these creative workouts into your routine, you can chase away the winter blues, stay active, and create lasting memories with your precious little one – all from the comfort of your own home!