
BLOEM MOM DOC – How do I choose formula milk for my baby?


🍼How do I choose formula milk for my baby?🍼

We all agree that breastmilk is, without a doubt, the best and most fantastic way to feed your baby. Even formula companies agree as they formulate their baby formula milk as close to breastmilk as possible. But sometimes, breastfeeding is not feasible, and formula milk needs to be given. Luckily, formula milks are a great alternative if the correct one is chosen!

🍼Why is it important to know what is in breastmilk?🍼

Most benefits are apparent: it gives immunity, it has everything the baby needs, and, of course, it’s free, but have you ever thought of the actual ingredients in breastmilk? If we start learning what the ingredients are, it may become easier for us to use the same information to help us make decisions when breastfeeding is not an option anymore.

Let’s face it; it is very overwhelming standing in a big pharmacy or baby store with hundreds of options and one tin being brighter and more beautiful than the next.

If we focus on breastmilk and the reasons it is the best, then maybe it won’t be that difficult to choose when needed.

🍼So, what do I look for in a formula milk?🍼


Breast milk contains a low amount of protein (1.2 – 1.3g/100ml). This is not only to protect the immature kidneys and other organs but also to protect the metabolism from programming incorrectly. Research has shown that if a baby is exposed to high amounts of protein in the first 1000 days, their metabolism changes, increasing their risk for obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases later in life.


Breastmilk contains 100% lactose as the carbohydrate source. Lactose is a naturally occurring sugar in milk, and in breast milk, it provides around 50% of energy for the baby. Lactose is essential for brain development, helps with calcium absorption to ensure healthy bone development and is extremely important for the good bacteria in your gut.

🐟 DHA🐟

Breastmilk contains DHA (activated form of omega-3 fats) and ARA (activated form of omega-6 fats) in a ratio of 1:1-2. This means that if there is 1g of DHA, there will be 1 – 2g of ARA. Research shows that the optimal ratio is 1:1. This is important for the maturation of the developing immune system and for brain and visual development. The content of these fats is dependent on the diet of the mom, so it is essential to eat enough fatty fish or take a good supplement while breastfeeding.


Breastmilk contains good bacteria called probiotics. The most abundant bacteria found in breast milk are Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus. Research has shown many benefits of having a predominant balance of good bacteria in your gut, which is easily achieved with breast milk.


Breastmilk contains Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs). We do not have the enzymes to digest these oligosaccharides, so they enter the colon intact. They give us many immune benefits and protect babies against viruses, including RSV, Rota and many more.

🍼So which formula milk is the best?🍼

If your breastfeeding journey ends, and you need to choose a formula, you can use this information to decide.

In 2012, South Africa gazetted Regulations Relating to Infant and Young Child Feeding that prohibit the advertising and promotion of infant formula in any form and on all media platforms. Therefore, I cannot mention specific formula names here; you must look for these ingredients on the ingredient list on the back of the tin.

Look for a product that contains a low protein, 100% lactose, DHA and ARA ratio of 1:1, probiotics and HMOs, and you will know that your baby is getting a product that compares to breastmilk.

You do not need to feel overwhelmed by all the products on the shelf anymore!